Friday, February 25, 2011

It is still Friday, and I have a new page!

Whoot, new page! Hooray for a less-complicated image!

The King of Orchard is named Leo. This fact will never be important, and will probably never be mentioned in the comic. But he has a name now, thanks to a sketch I did a while ago which I should probably post sometime.

Now I really need to go to bed. Have you ever noticed how many comic blogs talk about being sleep-deprived and staying up too late? It's not just me -- it's an epidemic! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sidequest Completed

AKA cramming-too-much-talking-and-action-into-one-page-so-that-I-can-more-the-plot-along-faster-again comic. Yeah, oh well. It's done. I hope you can follow what's happening, because I am SO READY to move on with the plot.

Yes, if it's not clear, Xavandra is demonstrating her power to hypnotize people. Fear her.

And Jordan's floating head wishes you a pleasant evening.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

my health is like a yo-yo :(

But, even though I haven't finished the next page -- I have something to entertain you! There was this little music video that aired during the commercial breaks between cartoons, years and years ago. I had the song mostly memorized, and it has run through my head for years. I couldn't remember what it was, and it has really, really bugged me.

But at last, I found it! And now, I am sharing it with all of you. :)

I hope it brings a smile to your face. And it has a good message, too.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Lah dee dah page!

I hope I'm getting better. I've had contradicting diagnoses, so now I just don't know.