Thursday, June 30, 2011


Kiaron demonstrates his prowess at magic in the new page.

Sorry for how long this took. As mentioned, I made a skirt! (Actually two, since I decided I needed to make a practice skirt). I am now so confident in my sewing abilities that I feel I could sew anything! Hahahaha!

The magic effects took me ages -- mostly because I was trying to figure out how I would convey the awesomeness of that animated spell with a static image. Hopefully you get the idea. Flare is always my favorite spell in Final Fantasy -- until I get the Bahamut summon, which of course, rocks everything. Holy's okay, too, but it never seems to hit as hard as Flare.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am making a skirt

And I am running out of time to finish it. Argh! I hope it looks okay once I'm done. :*

Also, I am working on the next page.

Elliot, where do you think you're sticking that sword?!

LOL.  I'll fix that later, I promise.  ;)

Skirt is done!  Yay!

Comic is:
Still in progress.  Sigh.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Friday I'm in Love!

Howdy. Woo! It's still Friday, and the page is D-U-N done!

Anyway, this is pretty monumental. 120 pages, almost 4 years (I think?) -- and I finally introduce the villain. Wow. About time, huh? I've been sketching Kiaron since I first came up with the concept for this comic.

Okay, I really need to update the character page now. Gerkie still needs her picture, but I still have to color it. Or I can get lazy and use cropped screenshots. Hmm . . .

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Number 119 is done. Jeeves is a pretty mellow guy. It helps when you're working with a lot of psychotic monster generals.

Kiaron next page -- whoo! I need a good title . . .

And my little sister says "hi." :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

page 118 is up now.

Note to self: never make a page this complicated again. This took waaaaaaay too long to finish.

But anyway, Elliot apparently never learned to knock. And the action lines for the door don't look quite right, but I've spent enough hours on this page and it is time to move on!

Have a great week! :)