Tuesday, July 26, 2011

weekly update

La, well I'm in the midst of moving still. I don't know where half my stuff is. :P I've sketched the next page, but really don't have anything to show yet.

I think I'll be able to get a page done this week, but I have no idea when I'll get the next one done.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

number 122

Okay, so here is the page at long last!

Unfortunately, I can't guarantee when the next page will be done. I am moving to a new state, starting a new job, and basically starting a new life. I will try to at least post here once a week with progress updates. And maybe silly sketches, too.

Have a good week!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Soooo . . . not so good a week, comic wise. Still working on it. I think the problem is, I have a vision in my head . . . but not the skills to produce it.

But anyway, I finally saw the movie Inception. Yes, I know, it's been out forever -- I'm just really picky about the movies I see, and I wasn't sure if I would like it. I did like it, by the way.

But I was thinking after the movie -- I feel like Star Trek has already done every possible sci-fi plot, and so that meant they had already done something like Inception. It took me a while to think of one, but it finally came to me: "Frame of Mind." I haven't seen it for a while, but I think it has a lot of the main elements in common. I'll try to watch it this week, then let you know. :)